Anda mungkin sudah tak asing lagi dengan Paybox,me. paybox adalah program online earning baru berbasis online Pay tool (bagi anda yang belum paham bisa melihat ulasan singkat tentang paybox di
postingan Kita sebelumnya).
selama masa launching, paybox banyak memberikan berbagai penawaran menarik yang saya yakin bisa bikin ngiler banyak netter,yaitu :
- Saat mendaftar, kita akan langsung mendapatkan $50 yang akan langsung terisi secara otomatis ke akun kita.
- Kita bisa mendapatkan $5 per orang, untuk member yang bergabung di Paybox lewat Reff kita.
- Kita bisa mendapatkan banyak uang tambahan dengan mengikuti program Survey online yang diberikan langsung oleh Paybox.
Dengan besarnya uang yang akan diberikan oleh paybo, kemudian banyak anggapan yang muncul bahwa paybox adalah Scam. lalu apakah paybox memang benar-benar scam ?
Tak ada yang mampu menjawab pertanyaan ini, karena memang belum ada bukti widhwar deposit dari paybox secara terang-terangan. dan memang paybox belum memberikan kesempatan pada membernya untuk Widhraw
Hari ini, saya mendapatkan email dari tim Paybox yang bunyinya
Today I’ll attempt to clear the confusion surrounding the issue of “withdrawing” from PayBox. This is one of our most frequently asked questions.
A “Closed Box”
Put simply, you cannot directly withdraw from your PayBox balance–yet. PayBox is a closed system for now… it may help to think of it as a “closed box”.
While the service is in development, all account balances and transactions will stay within the closed box–among PayBox users. This will give us the opportunity to fine-tune our transaction processing system and make sure everything is working smoothly before connecting our system with the outside world.
However, please read this full post because I will explain how there may be a “loophole” in the system that allows you to get money into and out of the closed box–without anything really coming in or out.
Don’t worry, I’ll cover that in a minute.
But, why make it a Closed Box?
Short Answer: Because we need people to use the system.
We opened the doors allowing EarlyBird users to join PayBox starting on September 1, 2010. Why did we do that? Because we want people to use the system as we develop it. That’s a somewhat nontraditional approach, but we want to make the best system based on user feedback and correct our mistakes along the way.
Does it make any sense at all that we would hand out cash and let people walk away with it the day they join? How could we achieve our goals if we were simply handing out cash? That’s ridiculous, no business could succeed in that way.
We are not in the business of simply handing out cash. We expect our users to help in return for their earnings. That’s why we explain on the website (including the “Home” page) what is expected of you… as an EarlyBird user.
So, the account balances must remain within the closed box for a while. During this time, we’ll develop and fine-tune our service while you use it and give feedback. Once we feel our service is ready to connect to the world, we’ll open the box.
You may have noticed that our system is truly a “closed box” for now. We don’t allow withdrawals or deposits. We don’t accept cash from users at this point in time. Why do you think that is?
Opening the Box
Your account balances will soon become usable (more and more so over time). We’re working on adding new features. We need your help in testing those features.
We have big plans. Eventually, we plan to offer debit cards linked to your account and the ability to buy from stores all over the Internet and, yes, an option to withdraw.
But, sticking to the very near-term future, we plan to soon roll out person-to-person transactions, followed by a marketplace where you can buy and sell using your PayBox balance.
So, what’s the Loophole?
Ah yes, the “loophole” I mentioned earlier.
As with any “closed system”, people often figure out a way to get what they want. This isn’t intended to put ideas in anyone’s head, but, PayBox doesn’t have any rules against doing this yet. (I hear that would only happen if it becomes a problem).
The idea is simple really. The key is person-to-person transactions. Once those come online, it would allow you to get money in and out of your PayBox account without it ever leaving the “closed box”.
Here’s one way it could work:
* Let’s say you have $500 in your PayBox account and you want to “withdraw” $250 of it.
* Once person-to-person transactions are available, you could just find someone who wants to add $250 to their PayBox balance.
* That person would just pay you $250 using some outside payment method. It could be PayPal, cash, or whatever you agree on.
* Then, after receiving your “outside” payment, you would transfer the $250 within PayBox from your account to the buyer’s.
Such an arrangement would allow you to “withdraw” from your PayBox account without the money ever leaving the “closed box”.
Dari email di atas, kita bisa mengambil satu kesimpulan, bahwa untuk sementara, Uang yang ada di dalam akun kita belum bisa dicairkan karena memang Paybox sedang dalam masa Closed Box. uang yang ada di dalam akun kita kemungkinan bisa diambil di waktu tertentu yang sudah ditentukan oleh Paybox yang tentunya bukan sekarang.
untuk anda yang sudah menjadi member dari paybox, anda bisa melihat jadwal launching serta semua jadwal program Paybox di menu jadwal (menu jadwal di paybox berupa gambar jalan yang ada di samping kanan bagian tampilan member area), di sana kalian bisa tahu jadwal perekrutan, reedem, serta jadwal operasi aktif paybox.

Kesimpulanya adalah, paybox bukan program Scam, namun juga bukan program Valid, karena sampai periode ini, Paybox masih dalam jalur yang sudah dijadwalkan (sehingga paybox belum bisa dikatakan sebagai pembual).
Update : Setelah cari-cari Info di banyak sumber, Saya nyatakan bahwa Paybox adalah Scam. Sekarang saja domainya sudah ganti jadi Virtapay. (Info juga dari American online earning community bahwa ternyata Paybox hanya mencarai keuntungan lewat iklan dengan memanfaatkan para membernya)
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